The Blog

Preparing to Refinance Your Home: What You Need to Know

Every year, hundreds of thousands of homeowners prepare to refinance their mortgages. In recent years, favorable financial conditions have led to an upsurge in this trend. While it's always advisable for homeowners to speak with financial ...

How Does the Texas State Property Tax System Work?

Texas isn't known as a high-tax state, but its homeowners do face one of the country's highest property tax burdens. Laypeople who wish to understand the Texas state property tax system would do well to review this information and follow ...

Adverse Possession by a Co-Tenant in Texas

There are many ways of legally acquiring property in the United States. The vast majority of homeowners wend through the familiar mortgage-origination process and use the services of a real estate broker to secure an agreeable slice of ...

5 Property Tax Breaks You Should be Claiming

5 Property Tax Breaks You Should Be Claiming There aren't many people, outside of Warren Buffet, who want to pay one penny more in taxes than they have to. You are probably one of them, so here is a list of five property tax breaks you ...

Can You Buy a New Home with Bad Credit?

Your credit score can have a major impact on your ability to obtain a home loan. Unless you're independently wealthy, this means that bad credit can adversely affect your ability to buy a home. Of course, the residential real estate market ...

What is a Homestead Exemption and How Do You Qualify For It?

A homestead exemption is a tax instrument offered by state law that exists to provide certain protections to home owners. Most include:

5 Things to Do Before You Sell Your Home

Whether you're a first-time seller or a seasoned nomad, you should expect to hit a few speed bumps during the sales process. Whether these prove to be minor inconveniences or major roadblocks depends largely on your reaction to them. While ...

Home Equity Loans 101: What They Are and How They Work

You've probably heard of home equity loans, but you might be unclear on what these credit vehicles actually entail. Although the concept of a home equity loan is simple enough to understand, any detailed description of this form of credit ...

Option Fees vs. Earnest Money: What’s the Difference?

Although every real estate market is different, buyers and sellers typically follow agreed-upon protocols during the delicate pre-closing dance. Option fees and earnest money payments are key aspects of this dance. Since they're relatively ...